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1. Young Eagles Flights will be held in the next two weeks. Check the calendar and Remind for updates.

2. The calendar on this website will be updated regularly. 

3. If you did not get a Young Eagles form, go here (leave the "Pilot Registration" section blank. Also, if you were not at the club today or want an overview, click this.

4. If you would like to learn more about Young Eagles see the EAA website. Check out the "Flight Plan" section to see what it will give you access to, and please ask if you or your parents/guardians have any questions. 

4. I highly recommend everyone watch this video again. 



Please bring in your Young Eagles forms to C201. I will be there everyday for 7 minutes after school. If you cannot find me, please leave them on Mrs. Johnson's desk at the back of the room. 



1. Click here to view the PowerPoint from last meeting (Just use for forces of flight, as a better explanation for physics is on the 10/29 slides).

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